
Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Links to the Hugo Awards 2023 short fiction

Once again, I’m pulling together a list of the freely available short fiction nominated for this year’s Hugo Awards since I can’t find one that exists already. This year the WorldCon is going to be in Chengdu, China, which means there were a lot more Chinese fans eligible to both nominate and vote in the Hugos.  This has led to a number of untranslated Chinese works being nominated, which will make for an interesting awards – I think this is the first time that it’s happened, and it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out, and if there will be any translations (in both directions) made available in the Hugo packet (if there is a Hugo packet).  Anyway, the list, with links, where I could find them, is below.

Best Short Story

These are Chinese-language only and I can’t find English translations.

  • The White Cliff, Lu Ban
  • On the Razor’s Edge, Jiang Bo
  • Resurrection, Ren Qing
  • Zhurong on Mars, Regina Kanyu Wang

Best Novelette

This story is Chinese-language only and I can’t find an English translation.

  • The Space-Time Painter, Hai Ya

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